
I'm going to make this brief, because I suspect a lot of people are going
to jump at the opportunity to cry bloody murder when I suggest this.

I wonder if it would make sense to have a way to globally hook into
__construct() - sort of like how you can hook into the autoloaders with
spl_autoload_register() ...

This could be useful for things like dependency injection and debugging.

Lithium (for one) uses a unified constructor to accomplish something like


That's bad for various reasons I won't delve into.

Various DI containers use a replacement for the "new" keyword, e.g.
DI::create('MyClass') which is bad (worse) for other reasons...

So basically, what if you could solve these design patterns by hooking into
constructors directly instead - something like:

> constructor_hook_register(function($object) {
>   echo 'an object of type '.get_class($object).' was constructed!';
> });
> $test = new Foo();

would print:

an object of type Foo was constructed!

One other area where this could help, is in event-driven systems, where
this sort of thing could be used for "co-construction".

Of course, you could accomplish the same thing in a more controlled
fashion, by simply establishing conventions - for example, DI::inject(new
My Class()) would work just as well, it's just inconvenient to type; on the
other hand, it's explicit about what's happening.

So I'm not at all demanding this feature - I'm merely posting this for

  Rasmus Schultz

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