2012/9/19 Steve Clay <st...@mrclay.org>

> Hello,
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/**alternative_callback_syntax<https://wiki.php.net/rfc/alternative_callback_syntax>is
>  a proposal for a simple alternative syntax for creating function
> callbacks.
> The basics: Given a function/method call, replace the argument list with
> "::function". PHP would evaluate this as a callback for the
> function/method, fully resolving any class/function names according to the
> current namespace and any use statements.
> In my opinion this syntax would aid readability and benefit users via
> fewer typos and namespace errors, and via (hopefully) better IDE support.
> I welcome any feedback. I don't have adequate C skills to offer a patch at
> the moment, but I generally read everything I can get my hands on about how
> PHP features are implemented and am not afraid to jump in.
> Thanks for your time.
> P.S. I've kicked around this idea around for awhile, but Ralph Schindler's
> idea for using ::keyword provided a better path to BC, and more
> attractive/meaningful syntax.
> P.P.S. I'm unaware if it's customary to throttle the release of RFCs, so I
> apologize for hogging any attention away from those under discussion.
> Steve Clay


Beside that I like the idea to get rid of defining callbacks as string (for
the same reason I like 'Classname::class' for classes) I don't like, that
functions will look like classes with a static property "function" then ...


> --
> http://www.mrclay.org/
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