Dear internals,

I really like the way Nikita describes the implementation. It is very
consistent and easy to read. At least for me it is.

I must say I'm very excited to see this implementation coming to PHP

Kind regards,
Chris van Dam

Op 20-10-12 11:52 schreef Nikita Popov <>:

>On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Jazzer Dane <>
>> The final keyword is used, especially in sizable OOP applications.
>> it supposedly isn't used very often anymore - even if it were true - is
>> an excuse to exclude the "read-only"-esque functionality in this RFC.
>Firstly, I didn't make that claim out of thin air, I actually checked
>how many final methods are used in ZF and Symfony (which are my usual
>reference projects due to their large size) and from that concluded
>that "nearly never" is a very accurate description. It could obviously
>be that those two projects are somehow special and everyone else uses
>large amounts of final methods ;)
>Secondly, low anticipated use is actually a very good reason to
>exclude functionality. One shouldn't add features from which you know
>right from the start that nearly no-one will use them.
>Thirdly, I don't want to exclude the possibility of enforcing
>read-only-ness through the hierarchy. I just don't want to provide a
>dedicated syntax for such an edge case. As already mentioned, there
>already are sufficiently simple ways to do this:
>    // read-only for all classes in the hierarchy, only the current one
>can read
>    final private set();
>    // absolutely read-only
>    final private set() { throw new ReadonlyPropertyException; }
>The latter is even rather clear about the intention ;)
>> My top choice is final get;, which would work quite well and
>> if we don't implement Nikita's proposed automatic accessor functions or
>> implement it in a noticeably different syntax.
>Not sure where you got that, but automatic accessor implementations
>are not my idea, they were part of the original proposal. I wanted to
>remove them, but later we found that they are necessary for various
>aspects of the RFC, in particular asymmetric accessor visibility
>(public $foo { get; protected set; }). Unless you want to drop that
>too automatic implementations have to stay.
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