
> /* Would be equivalent to this */
> class TimePeriod {
>      public $date {
>          get() { return $this->date; }
>          set(DateTime $value) { $this->date = $value;}
>      }
> }

I don't think this has a use case and this encourages mixing variables
with properties (which I'm not sure is a very good idea) and writing
slower and more complicated code which doesn't actually do any
additional work. I'd rather not encourage it. If you want it - fine,
implement it, but I don't think supporting it is good.

Also, "get() { return $this->date; }" implies there is a thing called
"$this->date" which is not the property itself. So what is it? Should
there be additional "public $date;" declaration in your code? Is it
implied that property definition also creates a variable inside class
automatically - I was under expression this does not happen, and nothing
in the RFC implies it. Should it be $this->__date maybe like in
"automatic accessors" part of the RFC?
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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