On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 5:40 AM, Bostjan Skufca <bost...@a2o.si> wrote:
> Hi there,
> 1. is there any way to get mirrors to sync faster? si1.php.net in lagging
> behind, and there is no way to choose any other mirror (except manipulating
> URI manually).
> This is not the first time though, I've noticed this for the past couple of
> releases, at least.

All mirrors should be updating atleast once an hour, I don't know why
the Slovenian mirror isn't.
The maintainer is CCed and he'll fix it ASAP, or Dan will probably
nuke his mirror :)

> 2. Also, when release it not found on the mirror, 200 OK is returned,
> leading installation software to think that archive was downloaded
> sucessfully (fails with md5 or gunzip later on though).

If you open up the file you'll see this is the mirror selection page.
You can pick which mirror you want to download from.

We haven't changed this for years so this method of fetching
"/from/a/mirror" has never resulted in getting the actual archive..
You need to "/from/*this*/mirror" or "/from/[XXX].php.net/mirror"

And please try to use the apropriate mailinglists ... internals@ has
nothing to do with the mirroring or the webiste. The php-mirrors@ and
php-webmaster@ do :]


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