
> Again, same for function typehints. NULL is the only possible
> initializer there, too. But still we don't take that as a reason to
> always allow NULL for them.

For function, non-optional parameters are always mandatory provided. For
properties, it is not true - there are no "mandatory properties". I'm
surprised how you do not see the different between function parameters
explicitly provided and object properties which are never provided when
object is constructed and always have to be set manually or use default.
They work pretty much in opposite ways here - you can not call function
without parameters, and you can not directly assign parameters when
creating an object.

> Not every property needs the ability to be unset(). Not being able to
> unset it is a feature actually. It guarantees that it will always be
> available (after the initial set) and does not have to be checked.

You convinced me that this feature is actually harmful to PHP - dealing
with unset() throwing fatal errors is much worse than occasional empty()
check. This is a huge landmine - now any code that unsets object
property can return fatal error, and there's, unlike is_null, not even
any way to check it.

> The timeframe in which it is NULL is usually contained to the constructor.

So what? Objects are constructed all the time, and constructors can call
any other code. Also, nothing really guarantees the constructor actually
has initialized the variable - the constructor author could have
forgotten it just as you could have forgotten to initialize it without
"no NULL" requirement - so when you are using the API of the object, you
can not know if the constructor initialized it or not. And if you're
sure your code is right - you don't need null checks anyway, as you know
your code never assigns null there.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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