On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 10:17 AM, Nate Tuganov <i...@cloudmill.ru> wrote:

> PHP is great for web development, let's stick to it. Give us a chance to
> create frameworks, which can use Annotations, DI, IoC, Factories,
> Decorators and all others patterns to allow regular designer to create a
> simple site with few lines of code.

That's exactly what annotations are for. Avoid writing the same code
over and over, define behavior using annotation.

I strongly suggest to anyone following the (too many) threads about
annotations to try the C# annotation and see what it allows. It goes
really far and greatly simplify developments and implementations of
web services (by all meaning of this word). And I very strongly
recommend it to anyone who never used or tried annotation, it will
help us to move further and move out of the current rhetoric (both


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