On Mon, 2013-01-14 at 04:10 +0000, Paulo Henrique Torrens wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently interested in two features I'd like to see in PHP; how do I 
> proceed to request/propose them? I'd be glad to help implementing them as 
> well, if necessary.
> One of them is really simple, but would be helpful to people with different 
> coding styles
> class Test {
>   public function blabla() {
>     // ...
>   } // < the interpreter fails if there
>     //   is a semicolon here, although
>     //   some c++ programmers may be used
>     //   to add it

That one is wrong in C++, too. Unless you're confusing function
declarition with function definitions.

class CPPClass {
    void some_declaration();
    void some_definition_of_an_inline_function() {
    } // No ; here

> };

Well, people should be aware of the language they are using ...

> And the other one would be multiple return values
> function multi() {
>   return 10, 20;

     return [10, 20];
which exists and returns an array. This is clear and quite easy to read.

> };
> function sum($a, $b) {
>   return $a + $b;
> };
> echo sum(multi()); // echoes 30

This becomes confusing when reading.


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