
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 10:22 AM, Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> There’s something that I’m not quite following regarding open votes.
> Why are we saying that ‘votes will end no sooner than X’, instead of
> actually saying when they *will* end?
> If there’s no clear end date for a vote, when do we declare than a vote is
> over?  Is it in a specific point in time where the vote happens to be in
> favor with what the proposer wanted?

Itt was more defined as a "minimum voting period".

> The specific case in point is
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/propertygetsetsyntax-v1.2 - which while has more
> supporters than opposers, consistent fell short of the 2/3 majority it
> needs to be approved.  The vote should have ended on Wednesday – 4 days
> ago, but for some reason it’s still open.  It’s time to close it.
> My suggestion is for voting periods to be limited to one week, regardless
> of the topic.  It should be more than enough.  Regardless, an ‘open ended’
> voting period is unacceptable IMHO.

You were one of the person who requested to have at least two weeks,
so nobody can miss a vote due to various reasons (on the road, off
time, or whatever else). I'd to keep two weeks.


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