> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pierre Joye [mailto:pierre....@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 8:10 AM
> To: Stas Malyshev
> Cc: Zeev Suraski; PHP internals
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] ZTS - why are you using it?
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 2:15 AM, Stas Malyshev <smalys...@sugarcrm.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> >> Python, for example, is thread safe by default. Extensions developers
> >
> > Doesn't Python have global engine lock?
> Right, but they do not give up thread safety. See "Thread State and the
> Interpreter Lock" in:
> http://docs.python.org/2/c-api/init.html


As Stas pointed out a global lock has very little to do with the topic of
discussion here.  What PHP is trying to do is *much* more ambitious, so
ambitious that at least I concluded it's not an achievable goal.  This has
nothing to do with laziness, much like deprecating safe_mode wasn't about
laziness - it was about facing reality.  The Python approach is
exceptionally lazy (in software development that's often a Good Thing),
and can be implemented very quickly if we wanted to.  It wouldn't help you
one bit with your use cases, though.

> The TS model in php should be redesigned in the next major version,
instead of
> simply giving it up.

I don't mind that we redesign TS for the next version, with two key

1.  I'm not sure that relying on TLS (beyond what we already do on TSRM
today) is feasible.  That was the naďve approach that I first tried back
in 1999 and ended up ditching since it wasn't suitable.  The two main ones
are:  [a] limited TLS space (we have *lots* of globals) [b] Inability to
access globals from another image (e.g.., you won't be able to access
sapi_globals which belong to php5.dll from mysqli.dll).  Point [b] is
mentioned in the RFC that you referred to.  Point [a] might have been
solved over the course of the last decade.  TSRM wasn't designed for fun,
it was there to solve real problems that TLS did not solve.

2. I think it's not very good use of our time.  Based on what I heard in
this thread, I would give up right here and now on the goal of having PHP
run in-process in multithreaded web server.  The pros pale in comparison
to the cons.  I would *not* remove ZTS - this was never the point of this
thread - but I would recalibrate people's expectations about it.  It
sounds as if it could be useful for advanced 'I know what I'm doing' use
cases like long-running threaded processes, and may be useful for the
future if we ever want to support threads within a single request - but
that's about it.

Based on the feedback on this thread, I think we should instruct users
that using thread-safe versions of PHP is slower, and that actually
putting thread-safe PHP inside a multithreaded server is not a very
reliable solution.  We should recommend FastCGI/fpm instead.  We should do
that tomorrow morning (figuratively speaking).


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