On 03/24/2013 10:18 PM, Laruence wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf <ras...@lerdorf.com> wrote:
>> Right, but if we handle it like we do with TSRMLS_C throughout the code
>> and always set that %parse-param to this new magic macro we make up and
>> have it point to void *compiler_globals for zendparse() under ZTS mode
>> and void otherwise and make sure it is (re)defined correctly in other
>> places? It might mean we need to refactor zenderror() to take a dummy
>> first arg since it seems to prepend the parse-param type there. Messy.
> Hmm, seems fine,  a patch is attached:
> https://bugs.php.net/patch-display.php?bug_id=64503&patch=bison_build.patch&revision=latest
> but there must be some unused parameter term_ls while in non-zts build...

Damn you are fast. I was just theorizing that it might work and you have
it implemented before I finished thinking about it.


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