Em 2013-07-01 4:25, Stas Malyshev escreveu:

It can be a UTC timestamp (if $local is false), but note it's in
milliseconds since the epoch, not seconds. The documentation is here:

It looks like it's the only place in PHP where we represent date this
way. Given that this function has no docs at all, it's even more

This is not correct. Some functions in IntlCalendar also use this direct representation of UDate, see e.g.


Can't we make it work in line with all other PHP functions
that deal with dates? I understand ICU does it this way, but should we really make the API mimic ICU so closely? How would one use such function?

The other functions outside ICU don't work with anything smaller than the second, so they're not directly comparable. It is true, however, that IntlDateFormatter and MessageFormatter work with (possibly fractional) seconds.

As far as I know, there's not any strictly technical reason to prefer working milliseconds rather than seconds short of saving some arithmetic operations before passing the values to ICU -- I don't think the rounding error introduced by dividing by 1000 is relevant for the sort of dates one is likely to work with. I take no position on whether changing the API to take fractional seconds is a good idea, but I should point out that there are policy reasons that would advise against such a change -- namely, it's in a stable release. At this point, the reliance interest is small because 5.5.0 (and intl v3) has been out for little time, but perhaps, if anything is to be done, other options such as introducing an object type just for encapsulating timestamps would be preferable.

Gustavo Lopes

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