On 24 September 2013 16:59, Daniel Lowrey <rdlow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The bigger issue here is that the superglobals are a leaky abstraction. Any
> HTTP request method is allowed to have an entity body, so should we also
> create $_PATCH and $_PUT and $_ZANZIBAR to handle less-frequently used
> request methods? Where does it stop? This is the problem I see with all the
> requests to support for PUT similarly to POST. PHP web SAPIs support 95% of
> the HTTP use-cases people have, but the abstractions break down after that
> and continuously bolting on support for individual scenarios beyond that
> would be a mistake IMO.

Supporting the base set would not seem a bad idea, I'd say -

PUT is not exactly exotic, though it might not be as used as it could be -
however, with the focus on REST APIs that is changing. Your argument makes
good sense for random HTTP verbs - but suggesting we shouldn't support easy
access to the basic set because "where does it stop" is not a very good
argument, in my eyes.


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