>> You can't efficiently model an HTTP request with associative arrays.

> The fact is that for 99% of use cases, yes you can, and developers
> happily do so.

Leaky abstraction is leaky. If this is truly an efficient model of the HTTP
request then why do we fragment it out into $_SERVER and $_COOKIES and
$_FILES and $_POST and $_GET and php://input? I don't know what your
definition of "efficiently model" is, but it must be different from mine.
Array Oriented Programming !== design.

> without building a  whole HTTP framework into the core.

I'm devoutly anti-framework and I don't think anyone is actually advocating
this. If you read closely I'm arguing *against* adding more superglobals.
I'm also against changing the names of the existing arrays as any
improvement is far outweighed by the massive BC implications of such a
change. I personally don't care whether or not a better request model is
implemented in core -- I've already unlearned the bad-habits ingrained at
the language-level.

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