On 27/10/2013 15:51, Nikita Popov wrote:
The question is always "how big is the break?" not "is there a break?". The latter question doesn't even make sense because any change to PHP - including the most trivial bugfixes - breaks compatibility to *some* degree (well, unless the change is "fix whitespace in foo.c") Obligatory XKCD: http://xkcd.com/1172/

A fair point, and trust Randall to be the one to capture its essence.

I guess the question then is, if the changes are so minor, are the benefits actually any bigger than the drawbacks? As part of a move towards changing error handling in general, it's a good idea, but that implies it is the first milestone in some larger plan, which doesn't seem to be the case as yet.

Rowan Collins

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