On 13 Jul 2014, at 06:22, Stas Malyshev <smalys...@sugarcrm.com> wrote:

> I have one request: could we please stop calling it "hinting"?
> The dictionary says (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/hint) that
> the word "hint" means:
> 1. A slight indication or intimation: wanted to avoid any hint of scandal.
> 2.
> a. A brief or indirect suggestion; a tip: stock-trading hints.
> b. A statement conveying information in an indirect fashion; a clue:
> Give me a hint about the big news.
> 3. A barely perceptible amount: just a hint of color.
> What we have in PHP and what is being proposed it not a "slight
> indication", not "suggestion" and not "conveying information in indirect
> fashion" (what Python does in PEP-3107 could be called that way, but
> it's not what is proposed here). It is very direct specification of
> either strict parameter typing or coercive parameter typing. I don't
> think using confusing terminology helps anything here. I think it was a
> mistake to introduce this term from the start and we should stop
> propagating it.

I agree that “type hinting” is a bad name for it. Perhaps “optional typing” 
would be better. It conveys that these specifiers are completely optional, and 
that there is a system of typing, but it doesn’t say anything about its 

Regardless, this RFC will stick with the current terminology, but changing the 
terminology would be quite simple, you could just update the manual and 
possibly change some of the internal names.

Andrea Faulds

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