
> I just found that my commits to PHP-5.4.31 and PHP-5.5.15 branch have 
> been voided, the result is that in final 5.4.31 and 5.5.15 release 
> package, sapi/litespeed code is still the ancient V5.5 release, it is 
> ridiculous!

No, it is not ridiculous, it is the release process. The three-number
branches are release branches, and no commits but by the RMs should be
done there. Moreover, even by the RMs the only commits that go there
once the release is branched is either technical release commits
(versions, NEWS, etc.) or urgent high-profile security fixes which could
not be done in development branches, or other exceptional commits (like
somebody discovering at the last moment Windows build is broken).

In general, once the release branch is created, it is frozen except for
urgent fixes, RC fixes/reverts and other exceptional cases. The decision
of which commits to include is by the RM of the branch.

The regular commits go into development branches - PHP-5.4, PHP-5.5,
etc. I've sent you an email to verify if it is not an urgent commit, but
both from review and from your answers it was clear that it was not, and
there's no compelling reason to override regular release flow for it.
Thus, these commits were not included into releases that were already
well under way.

> What is the procedure to make sure our latest sapi/litespeed release 
> will be in the next release?

Creating a pull request and after review etc. committing it to the
development branches - PHP-5.4, PHP-5.5, etc. There's more info here:

In the future, I would recommend to ask on the list if the procedure is
not clear. I understand there was a lot of change in how PHP release
process works in the last couple of years, and not everybody may be up
to date with it. Please ask and we will answer. We have docs, we have
guides and we have this list where there are a number of people who can
explain how to do things right. We've outgrown the situation of cowboy
release management, we have a process now, which has been working pretty
well so far. I am sorry that it caused your frustration, but be assured
your changes are not lost and will be released in the next version in
accordance to the regular release process.

I would also encourage you to update NEWS files for the release branches
from 5.4 up to reflect your changes. The changes are always made to the
topmost release in the NEWS file.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/

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