I think opinions about readability are subjective.

The real problem, that it'll break compatibility with old uncommon
I'm not sure if new MSVC versions support it, but the one I use - does not.

Breaking something without a real reason is not a good move.

Thanks. Dmitry.

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 6:19 PM, Andrea Faulds <a...@ajf.me> wrote:

> On 28 Jul 2014, at 15:00, Derick Rethans <der...@php.net> wrote:
> >> Well, we don’t need to allow all of C99. We can simply allow using
> >> features that are widely supported and actually useful. For example,
> >> declarations between statements,
> >
> > I think that makes code a lot less readable, so I would not be in favour
> > allowing this in our coding guidelines.
> Really? I’ve found that declaring everything in advance makes for
> hard-to-read code. To take an example from code I’ve written (admittedly
> not C code - GML if anyone’s curious - but it might as well be), the first
> line of a function looked like this:
>     var list, hashList, text, i, pluginname, pluginhash, realhash, url,
> handle, filesize, progress, tempfile, tempdir, failed, lastContact,
> isCached, env;
> Even broken onto multiple lines, declaring everything at once isn’t nice.
> For large functions (and some functions have to be large necessarily),
> declaring everything at the start just means a long list of variables and I
> would argue impairs code readability.
> You should declare variables when and where you need them. If everything
> is done at the top, you have to scroll up to check the type of a variable.
> It also means that now-unused variables are less obvious as the
> declarations are far away from the usage, so you probably won’t spot that
> it’s useless unless you look at your compiler warnings.
> Actually, a similar issue popped up in the code where that example was
> from. The language it was written in had some unfortunate properties, one
> of which was that variables not explicitly declared would instead be
> treated as properties of the current object. Because all the variables were
> declared at the start of the function, it was easy to miss the fact that
> some variables being used had not actually been declared. Of course this
> specific issue doesn’t exist in C, but it is an example of why having to
> declare all your variables at the start of a function isn’t really a good
> thing.
> If nothing else, I think we should use C99’s ability to declare variables
> between statements. It makes it more likely mistakes will be spotted, eases
> reading code, and as far as I am aware, is widely supported.
> --
> Andrea Faulds
> http://ajf.me/
> --
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