On 30/07/2014 04:31, Andrea Faulds wrote:
Good evening,

The intdiv RFC is put to the vote, with separate votes for the integer division 
operator (%%) and intdiv function, the latter as a fallback. I would highly 
encourage you to read the discussion in the “[RFC] intdiv()” thread and the 
whole RFC before voting.

The vote is here: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/intdiv#vote

It is opened today (2014-07-30) and ends 2014-08-06.

After speaking with some other members of AFUP (French user-group) about this RFC, here's a short summary of our thoughts, which may sound like an echo to the current results of the vote:

* Adding a new operator for a quite specific case seems a bit overkill: it probably won't be used much
 * Adding a new intdiv() function: why not?

Basically, adding a new operator doesn't feel OK for something that wouldn't be used often, as it has some impact on the language itself. But adding a new function feels more OK, as long as it solves a problem (it does, here), as it is "only" a function, with no impact on the language.

As a sidenote: wouldn't using GMP solve this problem, by working with infinite precision integers instead of floats? If so and if using GMP would be a good/better idea, a note about that on intdiv()'s manual page might prove useful for end-users?


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