
5.6.0 has been released, and first thing I'd like to congratulate all
who participated in it with this great milestone.

Second thing, that means 5.4.33 would be the last release including
non-security fixes. With RC1 planned next Tuesday, this means if you've
got any non-security issues that should be in 5.4 they should be in by
Tuesday or chance of getting them in would be very low.

So far I know about these things, which are being taken care of:
1. fpm patches, pulls 694 and 765
2. pull 770 about zend_shutdown

If there are any more issues that need to be in 5.4.33 RC1 please tell
me ASAP.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/

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