On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Patrick Schaaf <p...@bof.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> just noticed that the PHP 5.6 related links on the php.net frontpage of
> mirrors, all point back to http://php.net/ instead of pointing to the
> respective mirror. Is that intentional?

we just followed suit with previous announcements, not sure if that was a
conscious decision back in the days, but given how any page on the
www.php.net site can be redirected to a mirror when the main site is
overloaded(which happened a lot after the announcement), I think it would
be fine to change the links to not have proto or domain, so they will be
relative to the domain they are linking from.

> Apart from that: the link for "Variadic functions" (second bullet in the
> main features announcement),leads to manual lookup because
> "function.arguments.php doesn't exist"
> http://php.net/functions.arguments.php#functions.variable-arg-list
> leads to
> http://php.net/manual-lookup.php?pattern=functions.arguments.php&lang=de&scope=404qui
> ckref#functions.variable-arg-list

works for me.
maybe you are/were redirected to a mirror, which isn't up-to-date with the
docs yet?

> (even on the main php.net)

that was working since yesterday (originally some links were wrong, but I
fixed that and verified that they were working.

> Same for the second link in the fourth bullet ("use keyword"), and
> "php://input" link in the sixth bullet.

those links also work for me.
could you tell me which is your preferred language and mirror on php.net?

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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