On 30/08/2014 14:03, Chris Wright wrote:
> On 30 August 2014 12:53, Matteo Beccati <p...@beccati.com> wrote:
>> Even though size_t allows "huge" strings, would it be so bad to throw an
>> error when one tries to create a string longer than 2^32 bytes,
>> regardless of memory_limit?
> This would be an unnecessary and somewhat arbitrary limitation. Yes,
> loading >2GB of *anything* into memory in PHP *probably* makes no
> sense (probably 99% of real-world installations have memory_limit set
> much lower than this anyway), but just because we cannot think of a
> valid use case does not mean there isn't one.
> If the string index deref issue cannot be solved, it can simply be
> documented as only working for offsets up to 2^31, but I personally am
> not in favour of imposing limitations on the size of a string for a
> non-technical reason.

Well, the only use case I can think of for strings >2GB involves
modifying it in place. Crazy, but valid nonetheless. Too bad string
offsets can't be used for the part exceeding the 2GB limit ;)

Non-working string offsets to me sounds like a technical reason and not
something arbitrary.

Matteo Beccati

Development & Consulting - http://www.beccati.com/

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