Jorge F. Hernandez wrote:

> I am running PHP 5.6.0 x64 on my Windows Server 2008 R2 with Apache 2.4
> x64, I just tried to put a "memory_limit" higher than 3584M and I got a
> white screen when trying to access phpinfo() to check, I also tested
> uploading a 6GB file (after changing memory_limit back to 3.5G - x86
> maximum) and it only uploaded 1.92GB.

The PHP 5.6.0 x64 builds are tagged as experimental and do not provide
64-bit integer or large file support.  See

As Anatol already wrote, you'll have to have a look at master, which you
have to build yourself AFAIK; see <> and

Please do not top-post; see

Christoph M. Becker

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