On Sep 17, 2014, at 11:40, Matthew Fonda <mfo...@php.net> wrote:
> Hi Andrea,
> This is great -- thanks to you and Nikita for the work here.
> Syntax wise, I would prefer a function-like syntax, e.g. coalesce($a, $b,
> 'c') or ifsetor() instead of $a ?? $b ?? 'c'. I find this more readable,
> and it avoids any possible confusion about precedence within the
> expressions. Either way, still +1 for this feature.
> Best regards,
> --Matthew

I’m STRONGLY +1 in favor of this operator, ASAP; I’ve had to write more than a 
few hacks to keep a large codebase I’m responsible from being a complete mess 
of isset() checks - 5.6 has saved me a lot of what used to be ugly workarounds 
(variadic functions anyone?), but this one still haunts me.

I would argue for both coalesce() (as a language token) and ?? and ??=, as 
shorthand forms, giving the user a choice as to which they find more readable. 
?? is standard in both .NET and Apple’s Swift language - Apple added it to 
Swift (including the chaining behavior) early during the beta cycle due to user 
demand for exactly this kind of logic, and it’s been part of C# for a long time.

-- Gwynne Raskind

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