On 20/09/2014 10:17, Lester Caine wrote:
That most of my spare time is still being taken up
living with the consequences of changes in PHP is water under the bridge
now [...] PLEASE can we get
back to a level playing field and use PHP7 as a base to get something
stable and fully compatible with modern requirements. Only put stuff in
PHP5 now that is NEEDED so we can finally catch up!

Please refrain from turning every conversation into an excuse to jump on your soapbox about the direction PHP is going. Your general points have surely been raised and debated many times over by now, and there is no language change discussed in this thread for you to make specific points for or against.

I have no right - and no desire - to rob you of your voice, but am sure your energy could be better directed to more specific goals.

Rowan Collins

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