On 14/10/14 17:02, Johannes Schlüter wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-10-14 at 14:53 +0100, Chris Wright wrote:

>> PECL HTTP v2 already has this, actually:
>> http://devel-m6w6.rhcloud.com/mdref/http/Env/Request#
>> Also, I think Mike got the naming right there as well, $form is the
>> accurate description of what it is.
> For me <form method="get"> is a form, too. "get" even is default for
> HTML <form>s. This wouldn't show up in $_FORM, though.

As much as I'd like to have as many synapses to always grok those edge
cases, I think this is nitpicking :)

For me the "form" term in case if HTTP request relates to the content
type; GET forms obviously have no content type.

Anyway, IIRC I started a similar discussion after a few glass of Scotch,
and I'm in the "leave it alone" department now, too.


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