> On 31 Oct 2014, at 18:37, Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com> wrote:
> I think the root problem is that you're solving an issue that doesn't exist.
> You're talking about providing alternate ways to parse the raw HTTP stream 
> into user-accessible variables, ie, by pushing them into an object of a known 
> interface rather than/in addition to the superglobals.
> In my 15 years of writing PHP I have never wanted to change the way the raw 
> HTTP is parsed.  I have, however, frequently wanted to have the data 
> accessible in a more logical, semantic, and HTTP-correct way.  ($_GET is not 
> about HTTP GET, it's about URI query parameters. $_POST isn't about HTTP 
> POST, it's about application/x-www-form-encoded.  Etc.)  And I've wanted that 
> information available in a non-global, OOP-injectable way. But I've never 
> once had any desire to change the way an application/x-www-form-encoded is 
> parsed.
> Implementation problems aside, your proposal is not solving an extant problem.
> If we want to improve PHP's HTTP handling, then having an object that exposes 
> the HTTP request in a more logical fashion would be far more useful, and/or 
> providing that data in a more logical way so that someone in user-space can 
> provide that data in a logical fashion (eg, via a PSR-7-implementing object.) 
>  I already stated in an earlier email what I felt would be most beneficial 
> for internals to do toward that goal (specifically, clean up the streams API 
> so that we can use it directly from an OOP world rather than a 1980s C world.)
> IF internals wanted to add implementation, not just improving streams, 
> something like the following would be much more useful:
> $request = http_get_request(PHP_STDIN); // or something
> Where $request is an object that implements the PSR-7 RequestInterface (or at 
> least the read-only parts of it), or something similar.  Then implementers 
> can compose that object however they want.
> Although at least for the near term I think it's better to not do that and 
> just do the lower-level plumbing to make FIG's work with PSR-7 easier.

This sums up my thoughts on this very well. Nobody needs to change how we parse 
the data. We just need better access to the results of the parsing.
Andrea Faulds

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