I was hoping the submitter (or one of their coworkers who commented on
it) would reach out to the list themselves to get more information
since I don't know the whole situation. I did ask them to...

Story thus far:
Yasuo's session-lock-ini RFC [1] in February 2014 was (partially)
approved - the relevant change being that it adds support for lazy
writing. Optionally. There's a pull request with it that has NOT been
merged; as far as I can tell it's because there was discussion after
the vote raising problems and there was another RFC [2] (since
withdrawn) to change the first one. I also vaguely remember there
being merge problems between 5.6 and something?

Unrelated and prior to all this was a commit [3] in August 2013 for
request #17860 [4] that made session writes lazy for everyone. [see
session.c] Not optionally. It went into 5.6. Apparently this caused
problems for some people as they made 68331 a few days ago. I'm not
entirely sure that the userland code couldn't be changed to deal with
the lazy writing without requiring the crazy workaround they
described, but whatever I don't know their codebase.

I tried explaining that session-lock-ini is not yet merged, despite
being approved and being listed under the PHP 5.6 heading at /rfc, and
that the commit in question was entirely separate, to no avail.
Meanwhile I did NAB the bug on the grounds that the change was

So what's up with the RFC and its code? Is it still happening for 5.6
(too late?) or 5.7 (I lost track if we're doing that) or 7? Any
suggestions for what I can tell the folks concerned?



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