Le 05/11/2014 00:58, Andrea Faulds a écrit :
Good evening,

A lot of RFCs have been rejected because, while they proposed a feature people 
would like, the details were problematic. This has lead to these features 
sometimes being considerably delayed.

So, in order to do something about this, here’s an idea: Why not hold two 
different votes on an RFC, similar to how legislation is passed in the UK’s 
House of Commons? The first is on whether the general principle of the RFC is 
sound. Once that’s passed, it’s clear the feature is wanted, so time can then 
be spent scrutinising the details of the proposal and making them acceptable. 
Then, a second vote can be held, which approves the RFC as a whole, and its 
patch (like our current votes do). This way:

* Authors know quickly whether a feature has sufficient support (reading 
internals doesn’t necessarily tell you anything, as votes and numbers of 
positive/negative emails rarely align), without having to necessarily have done 
everything before the final vote
* Bad ideas are rejected sooner
* Good ideas with flawed implementations may succeed in the first vote and fail 
in the second, meaning there’s a clear agreement that it’s wanted but not with 
this implementation, allowing another RFC with an improved approach to perhaps 
be made later

Does this sound like a good idea?

I really like this idea, which might help the RFC process in several ways:

People (especially those who are not involved much in PHP internals now) might hesitate less before working on a "principle" RFC, knowing they won't have to code a feature (which might take days or more) that may just not be accepted.

People not knowing C / PHP internals might suggest more "principle" RFCs. And if those pass with an overwhelming "yes", it might be easier for them to find support from current maintainers to help work on the implementation.

Also, it might be the right time to have different people voting, like:

* Community (representatives of frameworks, UGs, ...), who are close to users but don't know C / PHP internals, should be able to vote on the "principle" RFCs. * While voting on "implementation" RFCs might be restricted to people who are closer to PHP -- mostly, those who can already vote today (like people with karma, or working on doc)

Like you said in your last point, it also allows for a more iterative work on implementation, if a "principle" is accepted but an "implementation" is not.

Though, I think there might not always be a need for "implementation" RFCs: if the implementation of a "principle" is trivial enough (like, for instance, adding a simple new function or changing the default value of a parameter), having to vote on the "implementation" could be a too heavy process.


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