> On 5 Nov 2014, at 22:15, Stas Malyshev <smalys...@sugarcrm.com> wrote:
> Hi!
>>    No, classes are not loaded for type checks, since it would be pointless
>>    - if the class is not loaded, you could not have a value of that type,
>>    so if the class is not present, the answer is "no".
>> It's not true anymore, with this proposal.
> This is not good. The base premise of type checks always was if you
> don't use them, they are basically free - you don't load the classes,
> you don't do any work, until you actually need them, and by then your
> class is supposed to be already loaded, so again it's not costly. But if
> just declaring a type could trigger loading of code, this may
> significantly increase the footprint and loading time for classes that
> have many options but only use some of them at the time.

It shouldn’t need to load any code normally, it’s only if an inheriting class 
changes the type.

> Also, it is kind of weird that arguments require exact match but return
> types do not. Not that we care for consistency anymore…

Yeah, we should probably have arguments be contravariant or covariant.

I was going to argue that covariance is important, but now that I think about 
it, the most important case is just self. If I can have Foo::foo() return a Foo 
and Bar::foo() return a Bar, with Bar inheriting from Foo, and this not 
breaking the invariant type check, I’m happy.

Andrea Faulds

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