Lester Caine wrote on 21/11/2014 09:49:
I know I sound like a broken record, but this is EXACTLY the same
problem as e_strict! It is all very well saying old code can still run
if you hide the the warnings and ERRORS, but you have to spend the time
fixing each and every warning simply to ensure that it will work on the
next release ... hiding things does not work.

And I still run my own version of PEAR to get around the e_strict problems!

To reply with a broken record of my own: E_STRICT does not indicate code that will break in a future version. Hiding E_STRICT notices will have absolutely no detrimental effect on your code, now or in the future. It is up to you if you want to improve the code by following the hints, or ignore them because the code works fine.

So, no this is not at all similar to the "problem" of E_STRICT, because that problem is not real.

Rowan Collins

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