
the patch is great.
It doesn't affect non-ZTS build at all.
ZTS build became even a bit faster. :)
And we finally will able to forget about TSRMLS_ macros :)

master native-tls master native-tls  bench.php [sec] 1.193 1.195 1.313
1.299  micro_bench.php
[sec] 6.008 6.064 7.470 6.786  Wordpress-3.6 -T 1000 [sec] 13.308 13.293
14.997 14.611

 bench.php [Mops] 7,055 7,055 7,885 7,342  Wordpress-3.6 -T 100 [Mops] 3,093
3,093 3,743 3,483
Mops - millions of instruction fetches measured using callgrind (the less
the better)

The solution requires minor changes in every third party extension, but
it's really small cost for significant step forward.

Thanks. Dmitry.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 10:04 PM, Anatol Belski <anatol....@belski.net>

> Hi,
> hereby the voting on https://wiki.php.net/rfc/native-tls#vote is opened.
> The vote starts on 12/10/2014 at 21:00 CET and ends on 12/17/2014 at 21:00
> CET.
> Regards
> Anatol
> --
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