Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

>> AIUI, this RFC is meant to introduce some sugar only.  Wouldn't it be
> I'm not sure what you mean by "some sugar only". It introduces the
> capability of using objects in array key context, which was not
> available until now.

Yes, but it is already possible to call an object's method in array key
context, so in combination with an appropriate interface the same can be

>> possible to have object hashes without __hash(), by introducing a
>> respective interface (maybe "Hashable" or "Identifiable") and requiring
>> the appropriate classes to implement this interface?
> It's possible and essentially the same, replacing magic method (which is
> how things were done in PHP since forever until now) with interface -
> which probably would be slower to check, would still require dedicated
> method name, probably starting with __, and will essentially do the same.

I didn't mean to argue against the RFC, but merely wanted to point out
that one could have object hashes without the proposed magic method
(albeit in a more contrived way).

Frankly, I don't understand Guilherme's claim:

| With this enhancement it would now become possible to implement a
| proper IdentityMap.

It seems to me that is already possible since PHP 5.0.0.  I may be
missing an important detail, though.

BTW: as a userland developer I would not have called the dedicated
method __X, because __* is reserved for PHP's internal usage, AIUI.

Christoph M. Becker

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