On 22/01/2015 19:32, Levi Morrison wrote:
I had to quarantine a couple of tests in Doctrine and PHPUnit as they both
depend on the re-usage of the hashes returned by spl_object_hash(), which
shouldn't actually be depended upon (am I right dmitry?).

I'm not Dmitry, but I am fairly certain you should not rely on hashes
being reused.

I was quoting a quick discussion we had, that's why I mentioned him ;)

To make my stament clearer, I meant "spl_object_hash re-using the hash of an object that has been unset and garbage collected".

TBH I don't recall what the PHPUnit test does, but I'm fairly sure that the Doctrine2 tests uses such test to verify that there are no "leaks" using a certain recommended pattern for batch operations (or something along the lines).

Matteo Beccati

Development & Consulting - http://www.beccati.com/

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