
> The with*() methods in PSR-7 are documented to return a new instance,
> not modify the existing instance.  Yes, there's no way in PHP itself to
> force that syntactically, which is why documentation exists. :-)
> Also, in the benchmarks we've run the performance cost of all those new
> objects is measured in nanoseconds, ie, small enough that we're not
> worried about it.  (Hats off to the PHP Internals folks for making that
> fast!)

It is great that this is fast, but I wonder (maybe off-topic?) why do
it? I.e. it is clear that in something like:

$a = new Request->withHeaders(...)->withBody(...)

the intermediate objects are useless and nobody needs 5 new objects when
you do it. Am I missing something here?
Stas Malyshev

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