I would prefer:

function addVat($amount) {
  return round($amount*1.19, 2);

function validateAmount($amount) {
  if (!is_int($amount) && !is_float($amount)) {
    throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument amount must be of the type 
int|float, '.gettype($amount).' given');


Sven Drieling wrote on 03.02.2015 20:07:

> Am Mon, 02 Feb 2015 23:38:21 +0100
> schrieb Christoph Becker <cmbecke...@gmx.de>:
> Hallo,
>> >>  addVat(-1);
>> Well, my point was that even a strict type system doesn't necessarilly
>> catch all erroneous/undesired arguments.  Even if addVat() properly
>> handles negative numbers, and maybe even zeroes, there are functions
>> that can't.
> What about scalar type declaration in userland?
> namespace mytypes;
> declare scalartype amount($amount) {
>   if (!is_int($amount) && !is_float($amount)) {
>        throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument amount 
>        must be of the type int|float, '.gettype($amount).' given');
>   }
> }
> function addVat(mytypes\amount $amount) {
>    return round($amount*1.19, 2);
> }
> addVat(42)   // OK
> addVat("42") // OK
> addVat(-42)  // OK
> addVat(42.0) // OK
> addVat(true) // Exception
> var mytypes\amount $amount = 0;
> $amount = 42;   // OK
> $amount = "42"; // OK
> $amount = true; // Exception
> tschuess
>      [|8:)

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