On 05/02/15 10:03, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
> Hi!
>> Yes, I mean $_POST (and $_FILES). It's been requested multiple times,
>> but I know it's quite controversial. I think this approach is better
>> than any other proposed yet (think $_PUT and stuff).
> You're building an OO next-generation API, why you still need $_PUT or
> $_FILES or anything like that? Just make a nice OO API where the client
> can request the data cleanly, and hide the details of where they come
> from. Which would probably also make an added value of making these
> things actually testable with some minimal API support, without messing
> with superglobals and general extreme ugliness.

Because PHP soaks up all data on POST and leaves us without php://input,
so on POST it would be PHP that decides what to happen, and on any other
method it would be pecl/http. That seems to cry out loud for

Anyway, that feature is not of that huge practical use, that it deserves
argumenting too long about it. I'll remove that section.


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