On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 11:11 PM, Andrea Faulds <a...@ajf.me> wrote:
> Hi,
>> On 7 Feb 2015, at 22:03, Pavel Kouřil <pajou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yeah, but you say in the RFC that "With this approach, an argument is
>> only accepted if its type is exactly the same as the parameter." when
>> speaking about C# and Java - which is NOT true.
> C# and Java aren’t really considered weakly-typed. Technically they’re not 
> “fully strict” I guess, but if you were to give example of strictly-typed 
> languages, you’d probably include C# and Java in that list - so I did.

C# and Java definitely aren't weakly typed. I never said they are
though? Also, is there a real difference between strict and strong?
Because C# refers to itself as a strongly typed, but you use "strict
typing" everytime you speak about strong typing?

> It might be somewhat misleading. Really, what’s “weak” and what’s “strict” is 
> rather subjective: C is sometimes considered weak, sometimes strict. I’d say 
> it’s more “weak” because all sorts of definitely wrong conversions are 
> allowed implicitly and merely generate warnings. C# and Java are more careful 
> here, so I’d say they’re “strict” even though I suppose they do have a degree 
> of weak typing.
>> Also, there's no need to mention
>> float -> int, because that one is definitely wrong. But for the int
>> (and long, etc) -> float (and double) - how do the languages you
>> mentioned in the RFC handle that conversion?
> From Microsoft’s documentation that you linked, it sounds like they just 
> always convert and never error, so you’d get data loss in some cases (just 
> like you do in PHP with an explicit cast).
> I am familiar with other languages, I just disagree with their approach.

It's not somewhat misleading, it's 100% misleading - because you state
that it acts like in Java and C#, but it doesn't. Also, are there any
strongly typed language that implement strong/strict typing the way
you want to do it in PHP?

>> And as I said myself
>> multiple times in the past, the declare syntax IS just ugly (and
>> changing how code works by writing one line is an ugly principle as
>> well, IMHO). :(
> I prefer this approach to the inconsistency the other approaches suggested 
> thus far lead to.

The thing is, you cannot please everyone. When you try to please
anyone, you usally end up with something that has flaws for everyone
to some degree. :(

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