On 08/02/2015 11:45, Matteo Beccati wrote:
On 08/02/2015 11:24, Tony Marston wrote:
Well said. If it is not possible to have a single codebase that runs in
both PHP 5 *AND* PHP 7 then that will be a total disaster.

Of course you can have a single codebase running both on PHP5 and PHP7, unless you want to use PHP7-only features.

It may be true right now, but it is not inevitable. There are certain behaviour or syntax changes that could, theoretically, require the same feature to be written differently in the two versions.

Luckily, such changes are rare, and are usually spotted and avoided (as with the change to DateTime typehinting mentioned recently), but it's not something that goes without saying.


Rowan Collins

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