
> constraints. Type check is one of them. There are many people argue "This
> language is secure and robust because it has _static_ types".

These people are wrong. Languages can't really be secure or robust, only
code implemented in these languages can, and we have witnessed many
examples of vulnerable code written in pretty much any widely used
language. Having strict typing may protect against some very basic
errors, but in well-designed and well-tested software such errors would
be rare, and in badly designed software type strictness would not save you.

> Here comes DbC, once we have contracts for pre/post conditions. We are
> safe from calling functions with invalid parameters during development, yet
> we have optimum performance for production since there is zero contract
> checks
> with production mode including opcode.

That assumes perfect test coverage in development, both code-wise and,
more importantly, data-wise. Which is impossible. While having assert
primitives that can be turned on and off looks like a useful concept to
me, I don't think it is some kind of magic solution that will change
Stas Malyshev

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