> @Zeev: I don't like being used, singling out only my blog post because it
> proves your opinion, where clearly there were other posts in favour of
> strict
> mode typing, for exampl e ircmaxell his.


As we discussed in personal exchanges, I really don't think I 'used' you and
it certainly wasn't my intent.  I thought your blog, as well as Rasmus'
comments, did a good job at illustrating the shortcomings of the current RFC
with real world examples - and thought (and still think) it would be a good
idea for others to read it.  FWIW, when people link to blog posts of mine as
a recommended read I view this as a compliment, never as a negative thing.
I didn't agree with the points made in Anthony's blog so I didn't link to
it, but obviously, proponents of the current RFC are free to do so and did

> You are not doing your opinion a
> good service imho, by being so obviously political about this issue.

I'm really not obviously or otherwise 'political' about this issue.  We're
dealing with technology here.  Much like Andrea, Anthony and others
genuinely believe that this RFC is good for PHP - me and many others believe
it's bad for PHP.



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