
> I meant it in a way that no other RFC has failed so many times or had so
> much misunderstanding or divide.

No scalar type proposal has made it through a vote. So none of them
have technically failed (all except the current one were withdrawn).

> Sometimes it is required to ditch the preferences of people and do stuff
> for the greater good. Right now I see most people (not all) pushing their
> own agendas not really giving a damn over the big picture, the timeline and
> the fact that at this moment RFC already too late for 7.0 according to the
> Release Process RFC - they cannot be discussed and voted before the feature
> freeze. Yes, it can be pushed rather easily, but it means breaking the
> release process RFC again. See the pattern here?

Well, 0.5, as a minor tweak on 0.3 *could* (by the RFC process) go to
vote on the 25th. Which would end on the 11th. A full 4 days before
freeze. Without breaking the release process.

However, I would be happy to target 7.1 even if the vote passes prior
to freeze (assuming an RFC to reserve the scalar type names is
proposed and passes, otherwise 8.0).

My reason for pushing for the vote is not to get it into 7, but to get
it over with. We've been discussing these proposals for years. We have
one that came extremely close to passing (save for a few minor issues
people voted no to, which are now fixed). Let's get it behind us.

> And we have the 0.4 version still being made, so it means it will be out
> for discussion probably next week. Or may not.

No, it's not being made. See the first post to this thread.


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