
>> -- Can the code generated for a strict type hint can somehow be optimized
significantly better than the code generated for a dynamic/coercive type
> And me, who wrote an AOT compiler that does **exactly** this, claim

Sorry, did exactly what? Here a bit more explanation would help.

> However, since test_strict() is compiled, there's no reason to
> dispatch back up to PHP functions for strict_foo(). In fact, that
> would be exceedingly slow. So instead, we'd compile strict_foo() as a
> C function, and do a native function call to it. Never having to check
> types because they are passed on the C stack.

Doesn't that assume strict_foo() is always called with the right type of
arguments? What exactly ensures that it does in fact happen? Shouldn't
you have the type check _somewhere_ to be able to claim this happens?
test_foo() doesn't do any checks, so what ensures $x is of the right
type for C? And if the check is there, how is it better?

> And note that this can only work with strict types since you can do
> the necessary type inference and reconstruction (both forward from a
> function call, and backwards before it).

I don't get the backwards part - I think you claimed it last time we
discussed it but I haven't seen your answer explaining why it's OK to
just ignore cases when the variable is of the wrong type. Right now, it
looks like you claim that if somebody has a call strict_foo($x) and
strict_foo() accepts integers, that magically makes $x integer and you
can generate code everywhere (not only inside strict_foo but outside)
assuming $x is integer without actually needing a check. I don't see how
this can work.
Stas Malyshev

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