On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 8:48 AM, Alexander Lisachenko
<lisachenko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Morning!
> I want to ask this question one more time before PHP7 feature freeze: can
> we  the engine case sensitive from PHP>=7.0?
> There is a draft for that: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/case-sensitivity
> (mostly empty), so I decided to ask this question in the internals mail
> list.
> Pros: more simple O(1) hash table checks for properties, functions,
> methods, classes without strtolower normalization on the engine/parser
> level. Consistency with unicode class names (yes, they are case sensitive,
> check http://3v4l.org/ia0pc), consistency with exisiting PSR0,4 standards
> (case sensitive mapping of class names to the file names)
> From my experience, all modern PHP framework don't use case-insensitive
> code, so chance to break anything for them is really low.
> Cons: on the extension level things aren't so good and can be some BC
> breaks (like with phpng)
> Possible ways:
> 1) Keep PHP engine case-insensitive for PHP7
> 2) Make PHP engine case-sensitive since PHP7 with possible minor BC breaks
> in the extensions (this breaks can be easily fixed)
> 3) Add a compile-time switch, eg. --with-case-sensitivity to the
> configuration to have an ability to build PHP with sensitivity and make
> this option enabled by default since next major version (PHP>=8.0). Add
> deprecation notices in 7.x
> Thoughts?


I'd personally LOVE PHP being case-sensitive, but I think it's not possible.

Sure, frameworks and newer code will won't be broken, but what about
the tons of "legacy" code? Personally, I saw too much code (and even
examples in tutorials!) using stuff like MySQL_Query(). And case
sensitivity would break this code without a doubt. (I know mysql ext
is deprecated, but that's relevant right now, this is just one of many
examples - the most common one I can think of, actually).

On the other hand, this could be fixed by running some migration
scripts over code base, so maybe it's not THAT bad? Who knows.

Pavel Kouril

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