On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Stanislav Malyshev <smalys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
>> I like the idea of having anonymous classes, it is very helpful during
>> development to just try something out without having the burden of
>> creating a new file and a complete class including namespace and use
>> declarations, etc.
> I think this particular argument is a bit backwards. In PHP, you
> certainly don't need to create new file to just introduce a new class.
> If you're working within a framework that makes it a problem, time to
> think if the framework you're using is fit for your purposes. But PHP
> certainly does not impose such limitations.
>> A great feature of anonymous classes in Java is their ability to access
>> the private/protected properties of the object they are defined in,
>> similar to what Closures do in PHP. The thing is, in Java if you access
>> a variable (without this.), it may be of the current scope, a member of
>> the current class or a member of the class where the anonymous class was
>> defined in. In PHP, you have to use $this-> to access class members of
> That may be a problem to implement, exactly since you need $this in PHP.
>> Second thing is serialization. PHP closures can not be serialized, does
>> the same apply for anonymous classes? It would be really nice if such
> Serializing is not a problem, unserializing would be - as there may be
> no class for this object to instantiate.
> --
> Stas Malyshev
> smalys...@gmail.com
> --
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If anyone wants to have a play with anonymous classes, our friends
over at 3v4l.org have made this incredibly easy to do:



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