Le 23/02/2015 17:06, François Laupretre a écrit :
Starting the vote for https://wiki.php.net/rfc/array-to-string.


We talked about this with other people at AFUP and a great majority of us agrees that the current behavior of array to strings conversions is not quite useful -- and, for several of us, when we started getting notices with PHP 5.4, it actually showed us there were bugs in our applications.

So, we are +1 on this.

Basically, even if notices are already bringing some useful information, we feel being more "strict" and "explicit" than that might help, here.

As a sidenote, an idea that was suggested a few times was that adding some kind of __toString() method on arrays could be useful in some cases -- but this goes a lot farther than this RFC...


Pascal MARTIN, AFUP - French UG

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