
my name is Mike Pretzlaw, I am a (senior) developer, (junior) project manager and work with PHP for a decade now. About time to contribute to the PHP-Core and give something back to it. Unfortunately the registration (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/engine_exceptions_for_php7?do=register) does not seem to be send anywhere or lacks at response messages to the submitter. Yet I hope my registration reached the mailing list ;)

My knowledge in PHP is great (as I can say) and thanks to my studying I am familiar with C++, Java and other languages. But I rather like to take things step by step than straddle into your development. For the first step it shall be contribution to the RFC and topics in the mailing list. By looking and learning from the patches in the RFC list I hope to meet the whole architecture of PHP (as my second step). And at l(e)ast I like to write RFCs too and contributes patches. Bugfixes, fasten up algorithms and developing more in the core is a dream but not impossible. But that last one is something I need to find out and hope to be welcome in your team.

Please give me the opportunity to contribute to your language and the chance to adapt more competences. It would meet one of my big wishes.


Mike Pretzlaw

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