Hi Phil.

    I really like this feature and am keen to see it go in. Developers
often create classes (which are typically new files) just to extend and
implement a small method. This feature could see codebases become much
lighter. So a massive thanks for your and Joe’s efforts on this.

I have two quite small points I want to make.


When a error occurs on an anonymous class the class description isn’t very
useful (see http://3v4l.org/9Nbea/rfc#tabs). Instead of
“class@0x7f9e33870fd0” Is it possible it could be prefixed with “anonymous”
or something a bit clearer. Further to this if the anonymous class extends
anything it omits the parent class name in the error message (see
http://3v4l.org/UFEbo/rfc#tabs). Is this expected? Could it be something
more helpful?

Secondly, I think we need to either allow the behaviour or generate an
error (similar to anonymous closures) when an anonymous class is
serialized. Please observe the following behaviour..

$foo = new class {
    public function Bar () {
        echo 'bar';

// This succeeds. I'd argue an error should be generated at this point
echo $serFoo = serialize($foo);

// Unserialize fails and a notice is generated
$unFoo = unserialize($serFoo);

// Error generated on call

see http://3v4l.org/AJY6d/rfc#tabs

That’s all. Again, thanks for your efforts.


On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Philip Sturgeon <pjsturg...@gmail.com>

> Good day!
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/anonymous_classes
> There's a little RFC + patch that Joe Watkins put together, and as
> before with the ArrayOf RFC, I'll be helping out.
> So, lets get this discussion rolling.
> It was declined for PHP 5 some time ago, and has returned now to try for
> PHP 7.
> The usage of anonymous classes to some will be instantly offensive,
> but really it comes down to the use case. The usage of anonymous
> functions compared to declared functions is pretty much the exact same
> thing as anonymous classes.
> Other than examples on the RFC, Fractal would certainly be happy to
> have them: http://fractal.thephpleague.com/transformers/
> Defining a class properly is certainly still going to be the majority
> of uses of classes in PHP. That helps with the Optimizer, and helps
> code reuse.
> Sadly due to the way in which people have had ONE CLASS ONE FILE
> drilled into their head since PEAR and continuing through Zend and
> PSR-0, it can become a PITA to add some simple functionality if a
> small class is needed for one tiny thing.
> Anonymous functions alleviate that annoyance with a simple and
> consistent feature that just give people a nice simple option to get
> their jobs done, without hitting autoloaders and file systems to do
> it.
> --
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