
> There's nothing political about this and I do wish you stop portraying it as
> such.  Instead of welcoming my proposal to get behind your (IMHO bad)
> proposal, you're calling me political.  Can you commit to support the Basic
> STH proposal if it gains something that's close to majority and more votes
> than Dual?  For the sake of unity?

No, I will not support it.

Because I feel it's bad for the language. Getting *something* in
should not be our goal. Our goal should be getting the right thing in.
The reason I went the dual mode was because I finally understood
people needs. Or at least I think I do. And judging from the
conversations I've had with people who took the time to understand the
proposal (rather than jumping on FUD), I've seen enough evidence to
support that, rather than refute it.

Voting for something you don't think is right isn't unity. It's simply
trying to make yourself look good.

> Whether it was a month ago or today is meaningless.  You did propose the
> concept, and it applies for as long as RFCs can be handed in, which is
> today.

Uh huh.


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