On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 12:09 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf <ras...@lerdorf.com> wrote:
> On 03/19/2015 01:26 PM, Eric Stenson wrote:
>> PHP Internals folks--
>> We're doing some performance work in WinCache, and we're finding that some 
>> frameworks are...uh...enthusiastically using file_exists(), is_file() and 
>> is_dir() functions on files/directories that don't exist.  Every. Single. 
>> Pageload.
>> Does the PHP stat cache include negative cache entries?  If not, why not?
>> Are there any existing extensions that implement a negative cache for 
>> file_exists(), is_file(), et. al.?
> We do not do negative caching. This is documented at
> http://php.net/manual/en/function.clearstatcache.php where it says:
>   You should also note that PHP doesn't cache information about
>   non-existent files. So, if you call file_exists() on a file that
>   doesn't exist, it will return FALSE until you create the file. If you
>   create the file, it will return TRUE even if you then delete the
>   file. However unlink() clears the cache automatically.
> But, I think you are also missing the fact that the stat cache is
> per-request. So your "every single pageload" aspect won't be helped by
> adding negative caching to the stat cache. It is still going to stat on
> every single page load. It is only multiple identical stats within the
> same request that gets caught by the stat cache.

Thanks :)  I forgot to mention that here (but in a chat :).

Also it would help a little bit as some apps repeatedly check files or
paths in the same request. However I am not sure it is worth the


@pierrejoye | http://www.libgd.org

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